Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Realistic Barbie

There are many reasons that the newest line of Barbies are considered non-traditional.  They don't all have the same figure, skin color, hair color, or facial features.  Mattel describes this new Barbie as the most realistic the doll has ever been, due to the many changes that they made.  Since the doll now comes in all shapes and sizes, I think that it creates a positive image for girls who play with the doll. They see it's okay to be curvy or have a different hair color or style.  Even though this toy is intended for children, it really has the power to change the way that women, and young girls in particular, see beauty.  Although this is great for the audience and consumers, it may hurt the business of Mattel since Barbie's clothes aren't one size fits all anymore.  Overall, I think if you are looking at this from a popular culture perspective and not a business perspective, this new line of Barbie is a positive

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