Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Non-Traditional Barbie

Muslim Barbie is a non-traditional Barbie because she represents the Muslim religion and gives young girls that also wear hijabs a doll to buy that wears similar clothing that they wear. It is very different from the normal Barbie because we rarely see Barbie completely covered up and not wearing bright colored outfits. This Barbie argues that there is not one type of woman and that Barbie needs to represent the many different types of women and cultures among society. It is also a way for Muslim people to express their religion and some of its misconceptions through this doll. For example, many people believe that Muslim women are "oppressed" when they wear hijabs but usually it is the way they express their religion. Barbie wearing a hijab shows the fact that she is wearing it by choice which is an important thing to know about Muslims' lifestyles. 

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