Monday, January 16, 2017

Intro to American Pop Culture Blogging!

Hi Everyone!: Welcome to our course blog!! I hope you enjoy the experience of blogging, as much as I know I will enjoy the experience of reading your ideas:-)

You will find the day’s blog question and due date on the course calendar. It is your responsibility to join and learn, although I will give a brief tutorial in class. Make sure when you join you use a recognizable name so I may record your assignment in my gradebook. To receive credit for this assignment, you will proofread, spell check, and write thoughtful blog entries of 5 complete sentences and an accompanying graphic, video, or multimedia example where prompted. Blogs are due on these dates: 1/24 (upload an image of a non- traditional Barbie example and explain); 2/9 (upload and deconstruct a song of your choice); 2/23 (analyze any comic strip panel); 3/9 (isolate shared cultural values of an ESPY speech of your choice); 4/20 (Upload a film clip and deconstruct the aesthetic dimensions). Note: Details about the blog topics are found in your syllabus under the course calendar section.

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